Sunday, September 16, 2007

Friday night date!

Steph, Jon, Matt and I went out on Friday night to Selma's! We were hoping to see Maile there, but it was her day off! Shoot! It sure was good though!

Friday, September 14, 2007

First Day of School

Hello family!

The boys started preschool a couple weeks ago. We were a little worried about putting them in the same class, but things have been working out really good, so far. We're keeping our fingers crossed! It's a great program- Tyler was in it last year and we love the teachers and the atmosphere there. Here a couple pictures from their first day.

Jake: Excited!
Tyler: Nervous!

Their cubbies.

Walking into the classroom. They barely even looked back to say goodbye!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Welcome to our FAMILY BLOG! This is going to be so much fun! Here are some pictures to start us off!

Some of us at Ruby's on Labor Day! It was soooo hot!

I am sure we all remember funny!

Our Cute Mopsey!

Aunt Sherri and Aunt Dawn with their game faces on durning an intense game at Dave & Busters for Matt's birthday!

Posted by: Ani